Monday, March 31, 2008

OK, I suck

I admit it. I promised the review for Stargate: The Ark of Truth 2 weeks ago, and it didn't get posted. I thought it was going to be easier than it was. I found that I could not give the succinct backstory I wanted to, because I kept adding in "just one more vital fact" until it would be about 3 pages long.

The long and the short of it is, I liked it. I thought it was a fitting end to a great storyline that unfortunately got cut short by the SciFi channel's abrupt cancellation of the series (they thought Battlestar Galactica did not need the Stargate lead in, only to see ratings drop substantially when it didn't have it anymore).

I think that they glossed over the moral dilemma initially presented in the film (If a bunch of people believe something that is truly wrong, is it ok to brainwash them?), and I found it distracting that the white streak of Teal'c's hair kept changing sides of his head (especially during the long mountain trek). I mean really, can't CGI take care of stuff like that now?

Anyway, if I ever get the original review into any semblance of order, I will post it, but all in all, I thought Ark of Truth was great, and look forward to the next installment movie, Stargate: Continuum. (I think that is what it is called)

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